Identification of Characteristics of Riverbank Slum Settlement in Kelurahan Sungai Bilu, Banjarmasin City
River bank settlements in Banjarmasin City are settlements with cultural characteristics of river life, but in reality it develops uncontrollably and makes it a slum area. One of the efforts to improve the quality of settlements in the riverbank area is by arranging the urban environmental in the traditional waterfront village area, in Kelurahan Sungai Bilu, Banjarmasin City. Identification of the characteristics of riverbank slum settlements needs to be done in order to know exactly what aspects and variables affect the slums of river bank settlements to then be formulated arranging strategies. Data collection techniques were carried out by studying the literature, observing the field / observation, interviewing, and distributing questionnaires. The data analysis methods used are qualitative and quantitative, which combines descriptive research and statistical percentages. The results show that the characteristics of river bank slum settlements can be seen from two physical aspects, there aspects are occupancy conditions (function and shape of residential building mass) and environmental aspects (environmental utilities, infrastructure, availability of public / social facilities); as well as non-physical aspects, namely the economic status of the household, the livelihood of the population, the level of education, length of stay, interaction with the river, and aspects of land and building legality.